Taking a Hiatus

Hello, burritos! So, I took an involuntary hiatus for the last three weeks and found out…that’s pretty much what I need. Fall started lately which was great, but with that came school and with that came a whole lot of busyness.

When I do have time to post, I sit down at my computer and….and then nothing happens. Well, I want to eat a cupcake but that’s irrelevant.

So, I’ll be taking a short break – hopefully, I’ll be back soon with some fresh post ideas when life’s less hectic.

But hey: while I’m gone, leave some fun questions down in the comments. I’ll answer them all when I’m back and motivated. Stuff like, “Are birds CIA agents?” (shhhhh) and “Frosting, glaze, or cream?” (all of them).

I wish you all a happy October, with lots of cupcakes and cinnamon rolls and everything nice. Have a lovely rest of your week, burritos!

21 thoughts on “Taking a Hiatus”

  1. have a lovely hiatus, we’ll miss you <3
    ok, you asked for questions so um.. what do you call the bread/dough part of donuts? It sounds wrong calling it bread but calling it dough implies that it's not cooked. But then when you put dough in the oven and bake it, it comes out as bread but you can put cookie dough into the oven and it comes out cookies so what is donut dough/bread stuff supposed to be called?!! Please help me answer this, I'm lost πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *Gets excited because Enni posted*
    *sees the title*
    Aw! I’ll definitely miss you, but I can totally understand why hiatus’s are necessary and I hope you have a nice time. Questions(all stuffed animal related, bc that’s my brand):
    How many duck stuffed animals do you have?
    On a scale of 1-10, how much does a typical blanket burrito love stuffed animals?
    Out of the stuffed animals on BABF, who would you say is the cutest?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’ll very much miss you my burrito! I can totally relate to sitting down just to write a post and just stay there with no more ideas. Hope you’re feeling a blasting burrito energy when you come back, s break is what we need sometimes.
    Questions for you: What kinda burrito do you like?
    Is cereal soup?
    Do you go with cereal first or milk?
    What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
    What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
    If you were held at gun point and told that if you didn’t impress them with your dance moves you would be killed, what dance moves would you bust out?
    I have a gazillion more but that’ll do! x

    Liked by 3 people

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