I’m Back//Q+A

Hello burritos! guess what? I am back. From a very, very long hiatus. But honestly, it was definitely worth it and saved me a lot of stress over the semester. Now, I’m back and fresh and ahhhh I’ve missed you all so much. ❤️

Tell me about everything in the comments and link to me your favorite blog post that you’ve read since I was gone because I have a lot of catching up to do, hehe.

Okay, wow. Where to start? Let’s see, when I left I asked you to give me some q+a questions for me to answer so let’s get started on those!

All righty. First questions from:

Cookie Girl

What kinda burrito do you like?

Ooh good question. But also, there’s different kinds? I’m sorry, I’m an uncultured burrito. I like the burrito burrito.

Is cereal soup?


Studio Smalls » GIF Illustrations
not mine

Do you go with cereal first or milk?

Cereal, always cereal.

What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

When we were at my brother’s place, one of his neighbors had the name: HARRYDIDYOYPUTYOURNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIRE. I really would love to know what the password is.

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not mine

What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?

Oh yikes, on the spot? Hmmmm. “You have the appeal of a two day old microwavable chimichanga”. Devastating, I know.

If you were held at gun point and told that if you didn’t impress them with your dance moves you would be killed, what dance moves would you bust out?

The chicken dance. If your captive started aggressively chicken dancing at you, don’t tell me you wouldn’t be intimidated.


How many duck stuffed animals do you have?

This is very sad news because alas, I have none. Yes, I know – it’s horrifying. I’d really love to get one at some point, though – you know, as a memoir of my species.

On a scale of 1-10, how much does a typical blanket burrito love stuffed animals?

How dare you make us put our love for stuffed animals on something like a SCALE.


Out of the stuffed animals on BABF, who would you say is the cutest?

DJSJSNEIDUDBXJAJS. Diamond, that’s cruel. Please tell me that none of them will get mad at me.

I have a soft spot for Snuggly, though. But that means nothing.


What do you call the bread/dough part of donuts? It sounds wrong calling it bread but calling it dough implies that it’s not cooked. But then when you put dough in the oven and bake it, it comes out as bread but you can put cookie dough into the oven and it comes out cookies so what is donut dough/bread stuff supposed to be called?!! Please help me answer this, I’m lost 😂

Good glory I asked for questions not existential crisises. Hmm. Um. Well. You see it’s called – no, I’m sorry I can’t do this.

Okay. I’m back. Why label it in human terms? We have a duck word perfect for that: quackerty. Boom.

Wow, I had no idea how much I missed blogging until writing out this post. It feels good, you know? I have so many ideas for more posts and there’s so many new things I want to branch out into and discuss. Let me know if you have any more questions you want me to answer and how it’s going so far.

Well, what’s happened to me since I left? I’ve done an inane amount of baking which is a combination of extremely fun and sometimes, extraordinarily stressful. I decided I wanted to make apple fritters one time and…they disintegrated. :)) I’ve decided that I love making bread because it’s reliable, you know? It never goes wrong. (Unless you’re too tempted by how beautifully the dough rose and punch it) (No, why would that be from experience)

I tried making chocolate sauce one time, but things happened and it turned into cake. Which isn’t necessarily bad, but when you want to make chocolate milk, you don’t want to end up with a brownie, you know? It doesn’t matter how much you like brownies, it was supposed to be milk. But my mom rescued it and all fared well in the end. I think that’s pretty much been the highlight of my fall because it is now winter. And Christmas!

So, let me know how your fall has been and what your winter will hopefully be like. ;)

Have a lovely week, burritos! <3

16 thoughts on “I’m Back//Q+A”

  1. Enni is back! These were great answers and also great questions.
    I’m honestly kind of surprised you picked Snuggly because I almost never post about her. But she’s happy to be a blanket burrito. She’s really fitting.
    And no! No duck stuffies? Oh dear.

    Liked by 2 people

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